Developed for its Steketee range of hoeing machines, Lemken has announced the new IC-Light+ camera control system. This reportedly makes weed detection easier when working in crops with a high proportion of blue in the leaves, offering advantages in crops such as onions, leeks, broccoli or red cabbage.
The system captures RGB colour spectrum and can distinguish between hues of green and red, as well as blues with the latest update. As the artificial intelligence is self-learning, the technology can continue to develop as it is been used. The integration of blue hue recognition means that young plants, or plants with a fine structure can be better identified, according to Lemken.

It’s operated via the IC-Light terminal and can enable hoeing operations as close as 2cm to the cash crop at forward speeds of up to 15kph. The camera system can detect five rows at a time and controls the steering of the hoeing unit.
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