Auctioneer Cheffins has announced that Charles Wadsley has been promoted from associate to director, strengthening the company’s machinery department.
Mr Wadsley joined Cheffins in May 2021, having previous experience with Strutt & Parker as a farm agent. He is a qualified rural chartered surveyor and agricultural valuer and comes from a farming family in North Cambridgeshire.
Oliver Godfrey, head of the machinery department at Cheffins said: “Since joining the team in 2021, Charles has been instrumental in the delivery of many of our multi-million-pound on-site sales. His knowledge of the market and second-hand machinery has quickly developed, as has his understanding of the legwork which goes into putting together and delivering a sale.
“He is now an accomplished auctioneer, and quite comfortable on the rostrum, which has proved invaluable at several sales in recent months. We are pleased to be able to announce his promotion and will look forward to watching him continue to flourish within the department.”
Mr Wadsley added: “I have been involved in a wide range of modern and vintage auctions across the UK in the past couple of years at Cheffins, and have now built a strong book of contacts within the market. With prices still increasing for the best in class second hand machinery, coupled with the return of the export market, 2023 looks to be another busy year for Cheffins, both in terms of on-site sales at our regular auctions at the Sutton saleground.”