Continental is covering its customers with a ten year warranty for all its agricultural tyres, including harvester tyres. The warranty includes coverage in the event of a materials or manufacturing failure and offers reassurance against stubble damage and field hazards.
According to Tom Godwin, UK sales manager, common complaints with all agricultural tyres include unforeseen damage caused by field use and imperfections in the composition.
“Modern farming techniques demand that tyres are hard wearing, and farmers can’t afford to lose time through tyres failing. Our agricultural tyres have been tested to much higher tolerances than ever before and we are confident to support this by offering our customers a 10-year warranty.”
The ten year warranty covers all TractorMaster and CombineMaster tyres manufactured since the 1st of August 2017, including very high flexion (VF) units and hybrid tyres.
“Continental has invested €2.5 million in an agriculture-focussed research and evaluation centre to develop tyres that help meet these concerns. We hope that this warranty shows farmers that we believe in that research and that we are willing to help buyers if a tyre does not perform the way they need it to,” said Mr Godwin.

The Continental combine range features the Hexabead construction, said to be safer on the road and to offer reduced soil compaction in the field. Like the TractorMaster, it also features the N.flex nylon later to help the tyre return to its original shape following impacts and heavy use.
“Tractor and combine tyres reach high temperatures during road use at harvest time. When parked overnight the tyres cool to the shape of the parked position, creating so-called flat spots. When the machine is used again the operator will experience ride disturbance because the tyres are not a perfect circle. N.Flex reduces the occurrence of flat spots, provides a more comfortable ride and will help protect the tyre against damage,” concluded Mr Godwin.
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