Driffield based manufacturer, Agriweld, is showcasing a brand new minimum disturbance range for the first time at Cereals 2021 this week.
All the minimum disturbance range is available with either the innovative Snap-Bar shear design (IP protected) or Auto-reset options, simple but effective Agri-Packer roller (IP protected) and easy clean scraper bar system to ensure that volunteers and dirt are left behind in the original field for a cleaner operation all round.
The Agriweld products being showcased at Cereals 2021 are as follows;
- MIN-DIS: Arable minimum disturbance subsoiler – 500mm leg centres
- MIN-DIS GRASS: Grassland minimum disturbance subsoiler – 625mm leg centres – Model can be used on arable land with lower hp tractors when fitted with either a toothed or Agri-Packer roller
- MIN-DISC: NEW hybrid disc cultivator – minimum disturbance legs to eliminate compaction, aerate the soil to allow water and nutrient infiltration, followed by 2 x rows of concave 508mm diameter discs to cultivate the tilth
- Agri-Packer roller as standard to firm the soil surface and leave a weatherproof finish.

- ASSIST Rear toolbar
- MANTIS Front mounted toolbar (IP protected design)
- PREVENT Track Eradicator
Agriweld is also hoping to launch their brand new website this week, filled with new photos and videos and information on all of the products.
Read more Cereals 2021 news here.