Wheat sowing will be late again this year, as growers become used to extreme weather patterns. As the unusual becomes usual, UPL is advising growers to think outside of the box.
Tom Wheelhouse, technical specialist, says that autumn-applied biostimulants could be one solution, alongside more vigorous varieties and changes to establishment.
Foliar biostimulants are typically spring applied alongside macro and micro nutrition, however UPL’s Vitalroot challenge encouraged growers to change their thinking.
A total of 50 growers were given enough of the product to cover 20ha and were advised to apply at any point from the two-leaf stage to tillering, in keeping with early post-emergence herbicide applications.
“The main ingredient in Vitalroot is GoActiv (GA142), an oligosaccharide isolated from seaweed extract,” says Tom. “It is filtered to produce a high concentration in the formulation, with some added potassium and phosphate.

“The oligosaccharide kick-starts enzyme activity, producing more amino acids for the plant’s metabolic pathways. This has a snowball effect on the plant. More extensive roots and greener leaves enhance nutrient uptake and energy conversion for further growth.”
Agrii agronomist Sam Bailey took part in the challenge and tried the product on a wheat crop last season. He states that the crops which received a dose were some of the best coming out of winter.
Following the pre-emergence herbicide, he tank mixed Vitalroot with the peri-emergence follow-up three weeks after drilling, applying around the 1st of November.
He has trialled some other biostimulants but this was the first time he had foliar applied in the autumn. One of the challenges of spring applications, he notes, is the large tank mixes required.
“If I’m going through a poorly performing crop with nutrition, I would put one in, but I can’t find room in the tank mix for them in routine spring applications.”
Sam adds that autumn is when growers could be in a position to include a product that will boost plant health.
“That’s the position where I’ve used Nutri-Phite PGA in the past, and that would be where I can see Vitalroot having a place. It’s a timing when there’s only two or three products in the tank, so there’s room for it, and if farmers get additional biomass going into the winter, they will see the value.”
For more information go to www.upl-ltd.com