Agrifol, the seaweed-based biostimulant, will make its British Potato debut this year.
Introduced to the UK market by Marcus Palmer of MJP Supplies, trials have shown that Agrifol can help potatoes establish stronger root structures, improve disease resistance and ability to withstand extremes in weather.
It’s made from brown algae by Neomed Pharma through a process of drying and refining seaweed to maximise the trace elements, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, carbohydrates, polyuronides and growth-regulating plant hormones.
Visitors to the event will also be able to hear results from several field trials which have been undertaken this year.

“Over the last couple of years, we have seen our sales increase dramatically,” said Mr Palmer. “The sharp rise in the cost of fertilisers, interest in using natural products and recommendations from customers have all played their part in increasing our turnover. Based on our recent sales we’ve decided to reinvest some of the profit into shows and events as we look to continue our growth. As many of our customers are applying Algifol to potatoes, it makes sense to exhibit at British Potato.”
One grower who has seen the benefits firsthand is Ryan Wrisdale of the Louth Potato Company. He said: “Algifol has an incredibly positive impact on our potatoes. We have faced many weather-related challenges in the last three years, such as torrential rain and droughts. The growing conditions have been both hard and worrying. By applying Algifol, especially throughout the droughts, we have kept the plant green, healthy and alive and pushed it to move forward. Although it’s an extra cost, we’ve factored it into our gross margin, and it is beneficial as it increases yields and produces a quality product at the end of the day.”
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