The wet weather will have led to additional challenges when it comes to grazing, with herds being delayed getting out of the sheds.
UFAC-UK is stating that it is more important than ever to keep cows on track. “Normally at this time of year we would be looking at butterfats following turnout, but we are also facing the challenge of a lack of energy,” explains Mark Townsend, ruminant technical manager.
Early data is reportedly showing that energy levels in grazing pasture are limited, with Milk Yield from Grazing (MYFG) values continuing to fall. Dry matter content is also low, meaning that supplements may be required to maintain yields and butterfat production.
Maximise DMIs and margins
“The efficient use of grass by precision feeding can help increase milk from forage, but it is vital that grazing is measured and managed. It can then be balanced with the correct buffer feeding, to maximise DMIs and margins,” advises Mark.
“To maximise forage DMIs, we first need to know what we are feeding, so we should regularly analyse all forages, and balance them with the correct nutrients, such as structural fibre, sugar, starch, rumen protein, by-pass protein and rumen inert fatty acids.
“For example, with the lush, fresh grass in spring low in effective fibre levels, it is crucial to provide effective structural fibre to complement grazing, to maintain rumen health and milk quality, in particular butterfat.”
The company recommends envirolac, a palm-free supplement manufactured from locally sourced vegetable oils and marine oils.
In trials at Nottingham University led by Professor Phil Garnsworthy, envirolac was found to increase milk yield and butterfat production, with no impact on DMI.
“Overall, the study found an increase in feed conversion efficiency, therefore the targeted and precision feeding of envirolac can offer significant financial gains, through improved quantity and quality of milk produced and reduced cost of concentrate feeding,” says Mark.
Butterfat percentages
“For cows struggling at spring and into summer, the high C16:0 fatty acid (70%) supplement omega cream, helps optimise butterfat percentages, and is particularly ideal for herds on milk composition-based contracts,” adds Mark.
The inclusion of glycerine in omega cream improves total fatty acid absorption while providing additional glucogenic energy to reduce body condition loss. The inclusion of Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids also improves the immune system and supports reproductive efficiency.
Mark says: “By managing the rumen and feeding balanced fatty acid supplementation while cows are grazing, you will be able to maintain milk yield, herd health and fertility while reducing butterfat depression. All this will support your margins.”
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