A new cost of production calculator will help beef farmers to identify where they can improve efficiencies and boost margins.
“The Beef Cost of Production Calculator” will be launched on Thursday 13 November 2014 at Beef SouthWest at Westpoint Arena, Exeter, by event sponsors Mole Valley Farmers.
Adam May, who heads up Mole Valley Farmers’ new Red Meat team, says the calculator will be used as an on farm tool by the team so they can offer farmers specific advice to help safeguard farm businesses against increasingly volatile markets.
“Things might have improved lately, but in recent months beef producers have seen a big slide in beef price. Although inputs may be cheaper, it’s important for farmers to understand cost of production and how they can make their business more efficient,” he explains.
The Red Meat team will be on hand at Beef SouthWest to discuss individual farm performance figures and ration requirements. Mr May says all beef producers should have a handle on their costs per kilo produced and be aware of the influence of ration balance on how cost effectively meat is produced on farm.
“A lot of beef farmers are using their own barley or buying in cheap barley this winter. However, unless it’s balanced effectively to fit your needs, it can actually work out quite expensive,” he says.
For example, if protein is not provided at the right level, the animal will not be able to unlock the full potential of the barley. In extreme cases, imbalance can lead to sub acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) which can reduce rumen function and feed conversion efficiencies.
“The aim should be to maximise the nutritional value of on farm feed and identify the most cost effective route on a farm by farm basis,” says Mr May.
“For example it may be costing you £2/day in feed to produce 1.3kg DLWG, but if you improve ration balance you could perhaps increase productively to 1.6kg DLWG, so you can reduce the cost of production.”
>> Visit the Red Meat Team on the Mole Valley Farmers stand next to the main ring at Beef SouthWest or call the feedline on Tel: 01278 444829 to find out how they can help improve performance on your farm.
Source – Aly Balsom Media