The XSplit separator, which was exhibited on the Vogelsang stand at Lamma, is the first to achieve a dry matter content of 40%, according to the company’s separation specialist Andrew Hayhurst.
“Lamma visitors saw the XSplit in a variety of configurations, including the Lift Frame Pro, a hydraulic elevated frame on a movable flatbed trailer,” he said. “With new grants in 2024 we expect separation to be a key to unlocking the benefits of slurry.”
Separation can reduce the volume being sent to storage, as well as boost the nutrient values of the slurry that is stored. The dry matter that is separated can be used as a soil conditioner or a cost-effective bedding material.

“The XSplit is designed and engineered to be both economical to run and easy to maintain. The drive is arranged on the solid matter outlet side, which gives the XSplit an excellent cost-benefit ratio with no need for an extra shaft seal. This reduces both the cost of spare parts and the time required for maintenance work,” said Andrew.
The heavy rainfall through autumn and winter means that slurry stores have filled faster than many would have expected. Investment in a separator could offset the risk of stores becoming overwhelmed by rainfall, and also provides a liquid that is far easier to apply.
“The sealing disc in the pressing area of the XSplit ensures optimal resistance to the pressure applied by the press screw and ensures a uniform and reliable plug formation with nearly zero leakage. A range of sieve variants suited to various consistencies is also available, providing accurate separation to help manage slurry more efficiently and sustainably,” Andrew explained.
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