The latest round of the Farming Equipment and Technology Fund (FETF) grant scheme has been welcomed by slurry specialist Tramspread, which offers a range of eligible products including dribble
bar and trailing shoe applicators, hose reels and drag hose, slurry separators, flow meters, mobile slurry chopper pumps and remote-control systems for engine-driven pumps.
Director Terry Baker noted that separators are a particularly useful management tool. “Removing solids from slurry makes in-store management easier, especially if the slurry store is covered. This provides increased application output from both tankers and umbilical systems. Less friction in umbilical hoses allows for longer pumping distances and reduces wear on the pump, hose and applicator, and saves fuel too. The more uniform product aids even flow from applicators giving an accurate application to the crop.”

The company is the sole importer of the Stallkamp separator range, manufactured in Germany. “FETF grants are available for mobile separators for the first time, and there are two Stallkamp options,” added Tramspread’s John Tydeman.
“The PSS mobile unit is built around a PSS 5.5-550 separator with two rotary lobe pumps, one to fill the feed hopper and one to pump away the separated liquid. The second option uses a PSG 5.5-600 separator and two progressive cavity pumps. Both have a throughput of 15 to 20m³/hr and can be either free-standing or trailer-mounted. Funding is also available for fixed separators, and Tramspread also supplies pumps, gantries and control panels to suit individual system requirements.”
Tramspreads range of Suffolk dribble bars are available from 6m up to 24m, with 25cm outlet spacing and can be fitted flowmeters and NIR sensors, as well as ISOBUS functionality for accurate application. Bomech trailing shoes are also available, along with mounted and trailed hose reels and remote control systems for engine driven pumps.
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