Designed for tractors with reverse drive, Reiter has developed the Respiro R6 and R7 belt mergers, said to provide self-propelled style operation and the best possible view of the implements.
The R6 offers a 6m working width, increasing to 7m on the R7. The smaller machine is fitted as standard with a 700mm wide belt, with the option of a 1,000mm belt which is fitted as standard on the R7.
Both units feature a roller style suspension system to keep the belt tines close to the ground. It also keeps the weight close to the tractor. There is also a suspension system with four spiral springs, with hydraulic adjustment and easy control through the terminal.
The speed of the belt is adjusted via the oil flow rate of the single-acting valves, and the Respiro features its own oil cooling system to ensure a long working life for the hydraulic components.
For operation, the company recommends a 160hp tractor with up to 1,200kg of ballast mounted at the front. Hydraulic requirements are 160 litres per minute as a minimum.