Claydon Drills, the world’s leading experts in Direct Strip Seeding technology, have announced a 10% early order discount, plus two years 0% finance, on all of the company’s new drills, straw harrows and rolls. The offer applies to orders placed with Claydon and participating dealers by 31 March 2016.
Proven on progressive farms all over the world, across the widest range of climatic conditions and soil types, the Claydon Strip Seeding System sets the benchmark and remains unequalled. It enables farming businesses to minimise establishment costs, improve timeliness and maximise yields, generating an overall return which is approximately £150/ha higher than for conventional establishment methods.
The cornerstone of the Claydon System, the Claydon Hybrid mounted drill, is available in widths of 3m, 4m, 4.8m and 6m, providing seasonal outputs of up to 700ha, 1000ha, 1200ha and 1500ha respectively. The mounted drill is joined in the company’s range by the 3m mounted seed and fertiliser drill, which enables farmers to choose whether to place fertiliser below the seed or in a band above the seed, together with the latest Hybrid T trailed drill, in 4m, 6m and 8m versions. Claydon Straw Harrows are available in widths of 3m, 7.5m and 15m, while Claydon Rolls offer working widths of 6.3m, 8.3m or 12.3m.
Jeff Claydon, the Suffolk arable farmer who developed and patented the Claydon System, states:
“With agricultural commodity prices increasingly volatile and crop returns unpredictable, farmers are under pressure to reduce production costs in order to remain profitable. Progressive producers increasingly appreciate that rather than simply updating existing equipment, which offers no real economic benefit, it makes good business sense to fully utilise available capital and allowances by investing in new methods which are more cost effective, more time efficient, more financially sustainable and deliver significant agronomic benefits. Our early order discounts will make it even more affordable to change to the Claydon System.”
Up to five times faster, one-third the cost and more reliable than a plough-based approach, and typically 50% less than even a min-till system, the Claydon System significantly improves timeliness, enabling crops to be established into stubble, min-tilled or fully-cultivated soils quickly, at the optimum time, under the best possible conditions. It also greatly reduces weather risks and produces significantly higher yields.
Claydon estimate that a 500ha farm using the complete Claydon System would spend £25,500 (£51/ha) on crop establishment, compared with £74,000 for a conventional plough-based system (£148/ha) and £56,000 (£112/ha) for min-till, taking into account machinery running costs, diesel, labour, wearing metal and depreciation. In addition, timeliness is vastly improved as it takes just 26 minutes to establish one hectare using the Claydon System, compared with 42 minutes for one based on min-till and two hours for a conventional system.
Farmers can calculate projected financial benefits of using the Claydon System based on their own individual farm situation by using the Cost Saving Calculator on the Claydon Drills website